ADNW would like to welcome you to a new segment - Spirit Week! We’re going to take you back to the good old days of drumming up enthusiasm for homecoming (or similar occasion) with pep rallies, decorated lockers, and dress up. However, we’re going to spice it up a bit by awarding points for participation. So, get your scorecards ready. Winner not only gets the pride in victory, but you also win a free tour of your own home. Best of luck contestants.
SBD Monday
(SBD = Silent But Deadly) You get 10 points for clandestinely clearing a room. Double your points for getting caught.
Indoor Shades Tuesday
10 points for each occasion. 10 bonus points when laughed at.
Poor conversational skills Wednesday
10 points for every time you:
a- Awkwardly walk out mid-conversation
b- Awkwardly insert yourself into a conversation
c- Dominate a conversation
d- Interrupt
e- Ramble incoherently
Third Person Thursday
10 points each time you publicly speak of yourself in the 3rd person. 10-point bonus if it's in front of a boss/client.
Inane Nickname Friday
10 points for assigning inane nicknames to coworkers, clients, and supervisors. Double your points if you get someone else to repeat it.
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