These actually came from a real Cosmopolitan article, “Flirting Moves No Man Can Resist.” They even touted it as crafting the “ultimate bag him bible.” I could not resist sharing just a few. Ladies take note but I’ll let you decide why they work, and if you should try them. Men please look for these signs and you’ll soon know when you’re being bagged!
• Stroll over to a bored boy and inform him that you’re from the social search-and rescue. Your Mission? To save him from a dull night.
• At a café, dip your finger in your dessert, put it in your mouth, and slowly pull it out while eyeing a hot guy.
• Tell him that you’re an amateur palm reader. While you’re peering at his hand, trace any creases and predict that there will be lots of passion in his future.
• Give him a long once-over from head to toe then bring your eyes back to his. Smile ever so slightly to let him know you like what you see.
• Say you’re trying out a new perfume, then hold out your wrist or expose your neck and ask his opinion.
• Pull out a copy of the Kama Sutra from your bag and say, “Would you be interested in joining my book club?”
• Proclaim that you’re thinking about changing your name. Then say with a smile, “Do I strike you as more of a Sienna or a Bambi?”
• At a bar or coffeehouse, use the tip of your tongue lick beer or espresso foam from your lips.
• Once you’ve scoped out the buffest bod at the gym, remark that he looks like he’s pretty familiar with the place and ask where the best spot to stretch out is.
• Tell a capable cutie that you have a minor emergency: an itch you can’t reach.
I think the Doctor speaks for all men when he says thank you Cosmo for making it that much easier!

Body Part of the Week
Back of the Neck – I think most ladies would agree, when your man is cuddled up behind you and breathes or kisses the back of your neck, it sends chills to all the right places.
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