Fallacy 8 – Dumped; Like a hobo on a hot ham and cheese!
We’ve all been there before; you think things are going great, the sex, the endless conversation, the good times day and night and then the relationship tanks. You can ask yourself what happened and beat yourself up for something you think you did wrong, but the truth just might be that nothing happened. Here are five fairly meaningless reasons why that guy of your dreams kicked you to the curb.
1. We are “in like” with you – Let’s face it, sometimes it’s not real love and it’s probably the most real reason we run away. The minute we know you’re not the one it gets harder to invest in something we known eventually comes to an end. As we find out that you are way more into us than we are into you, the guilt of continuing when you deserve someone who’s into you just as much takes over.
2. The king of worst-case scenario’s - Think ladies before you speak because every time you chastise us, without ever taking a breath, for being late or not doing the right thing we are filing this away in our worst-case mental handbook. As the relationship grows and there is less sex and more trips for rocky road ice cream, we become enlightened of the future and what can go wrong in the long run. We blame our married friends who tell it like it is…
3. ‘The Player’ still persists – Guys are always wondering if this is as good as it gets? Is the grass always greener? Can we upgrade? (I know…ouch!) You also have all our other buds we’re trying to stay one step ahead of working against you. We might feel we’ll have another notch in the bed post to achieve until one day when we grow up and the checklist is complete. Until then, flight or fight is a real possibility.
4. The clock has lost its timing – Mr. Right has arrived and women get serious. Men really only get serious with whomever we happen to be dating at the time. That or once we’ve got our own life in order. What this means is if any part of our lives is in turmoil; school, work, car, friends, family, the timing could be all wrong. Speaking for the Dr Love School of Settling Down, a guy could date a girl for 2 years, break up for being too serious and 8 months later, be looking at engagement rings with the woman of his dreams.
5. We might just be too into you – Good news, it’s not all death and destruction. Guys are notorious for the preemptive strike and in order to protect our emotions (frankly, were just as scared to get hurt as you are) we’ll pull the plug as part of natural self-preservation. Let’s face it, most the time you have the power (and the mommy-parts) and when it comes to heartbreak or vulnerability we’ll run like the wind.
Body Part of the Week
Picture perfect super hot long hair; whether straight or curly, wet or dry, done up right or all natural right out of bed look, it’s flowing in the wind and we love it! Now, I know you short haired beauties have spunk, we like that too. But the truth is there’s just something about spooning with a mouth full of brunette, auburn or blonde locks and leaves the aroma of rosemary, lilac, strawberry, apple, pear, peach, vanilla (you get my point) lingering on the pillow long after you’ve gone that keeps us right were you want us.
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