For most of us mortals, our bathrooms are relatively modest. They are small and located in various places, some awkward and some not. Your crapper might be in a hidden

First of all, when you have non-residents over consider sound control. If you serve your dinner guests a bowl full of beans, salsa and fried whatever, there’s going to be some consequences. When your dinner victims inevitably have to relieve some of that pressure, you don’t want to be sitting 5 feet away having a deep conversation and hear every juicy explosion. Obviously, you can’t practically soundproof your crapper. But, you can at least provide some background music, perhaps put some purposeful distance between the other guests and the shitter. Regardless, consider some type of adaptation to help offset that inevitably embarrassing moment.
Smell control is the same principle. If you’re going to have a party or even just a few friends over, light a candle directly in the bathroom. It’s a small investment and there is the slight chance that a drunken in-law might light himself on fire. But, it sure as hell beats the unceremonious sound of aerosol hissing after a curiously long trip to the can.
Otherwise, if your intention is to humiliate friends or make your guests exit immediately after milk and cookies, this is a great area to ignore.
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