We have been advised by counsel that due to a preponderance of morons, we should post this disclaimer: The following information may not necessarily be based upon fact, nor is it exclusively regarding actual celebrities.
PS – suck it Perez Hilton.
Oprah - has a stand in?
Many critics have voraciously panned Oprah’s 2009 version of the Thulsa Do

The suggestion of physical resemblance borders on malicious, as they indicate a heavier Oprah has a remarkably similar body and facial structure. Oprah proponents have fired

The undeterred conspiracy theorists then indicate editing magic. Clearly Hollywood has mastered the art of the makeover, and certainly Oprah’s people are privy to these techniques. It’s doubtful, however, that there’s enough pancake makeup in the Windy City to transform the elder Jones into Winfrey. But, the theorist’s weakly counter this shortcoming by citing advances in post-production editing technology. Furthermore, given Oprah’s relatively deeper voice, they point out that only a very plausible vocal edit is necessary. A particularly troubling weakness in these assertions is the live audience. Conspiracy theorists wave off this concern by insisting that Oprah’s followers are so blind to reality, that they’d believe Tom Cruise was Oprah if he walked onto stage and sat confidently in her seat.
Conspiracy theorists arguably have an Anti-Oprah agenda. However, perhaps the one truly compelling argument for some type of replacement Oprah is the financial stature of the mega-star. She obviously doesn’t need to make another dime from live talk-show appearances. The show is only a vehicle to continually reinforce her moneymaking brand name. (And clearly, the use of guest hosts has been irreparably damaged by Joan Rivers doing The Tonight Show in place of Johnny Carson). It would be no great surprise for Oprah to take advantage of her mega-wealth by inventing some covert time off now and again. It’s questionable, though, that James Earl Jones has any part in that.
Oprah photo thanks to huffingtonpost.com
James Earl Jones photo thanks to thecimmerian.com