This is a continuation of my complaints for being oversized in an undersized world. (See Part I for the beginning of this list.)
6) When I mow our grass with a standard push mower, I tower over the little machine. The handle doesn’t even adjust up to the height I need. I end up looking like I’m pushing around one of those toy plastic mowers that shoot bubbles out the side. (my neighbors have joyfully made comments about it).
7) “One size fits all” – seriously??? Not even close. That’s just the manufacturer’s way of not having additional setup costs to produce several different sizes and possibly one size that would actually fit me.
8) I enjoy visiting go-cart/putt putt establishments. The main problem I have with them though is that they don’t have a go-cart or putter that accommodates the length of my body. When I am driving a go-cart, I look like one of those clowns in the parade that drives around in the miniature car. I also feel like I am in stirrups with my knees jutting up on both sides of the steering wheel (for the record, I have not physically been in stirrups). As far as the putter, the ones they have available aren’t long enough for me to have a natural stance to excel in my tapping of the golf ball. Because of this, I’m sure I have developed an awkward stance that has probably added to both my score and my lower back pain. It has limited me from being able to join the PPA (Professional Putters Association).
9) Pictures would be another area where the tall get discriminated against. I can’t remember a photo where I have been in any other place but the back row. There are also people who enjoy getting their picture taken next to a tall person. I would like to think that it is for precious memories. However, in the back of my mind, I know that it must be so they can have their “freak of nature” picture. They can actually take home proof of how tall I am and they have a natural comparison with them being in the picture. (Once again, I’m not a freak of nature.)
10) For most people, items that hang down from ceilings in stores and restaurants are high enough to allow for free walking. However, for me it becomes a game of “Dodge the Merchandise/Advertisement”. The other people I am with can enjoy their shopping/dining experience and look at everything with full focus. I, on the other hand, have to constantly look around to make sure I’m not going to come face to face with a dangling sign or glass candle holder. The severity of this problem increases exponentially with knick knack stores in quaint “Little House on the Prairie” towns that have totally gone commercial with shops and stores. They are trying to maximize their selling space while invading my rights to be able to roam free.
To be continued…
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