Once again, veteran single man, DJ BJ shares some favorite pick up lines. Our apologies. These submissions do not represent the views of ADNW, nor are they guaranteed to actually work (nor keep you out of harms way).
All right people - here's my seventh set. I expect to start hearing testimonials from some of you happy customers any time now.
61) I’m pretty liberal. If you were my girlfriend, I’d let you date other chicks.
62) You got any kids? How about you play mommy for me?
63) You got any tattoos or piercings? (Yes) Can I see and or photograph them?
64) You got any tattoos or piercings? (No) How about I do some art on your ass?
65) Do you like retro-toys? Because I’ve got a pogo-stick I’d like you to try out.
66) I think you should manage my acting career, because you’re already making me big.
67) You can call me a fossil if you like, but at least I’ve got a bone for you.
68) I respect you. You’re not just a piece of ass to me. I like your boobs too.
69) I’m not so old. I rarely use my Viagra prescription.
70) I like ambitious girls like you. Because you’d do whatever it takes to get a “head.”
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