Once again, veteran single man, DJ BJ shares some favorite pick up lines. Our apologies. These submissions do not represent the views of ADNW, nor are they guaranteed to actually work (nor keep you out of harms way).
Here's the tenth set folks. This makes an even hundred and I expect a book deal to be in the works. Better use them while they're fresh.
91) Are you scared of things that go bump in the night? Brace yourself, because I’m about to start bumping.
92) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Well, I’ve got a real friend for you down my pants.
93) I’m not dumb, but the ladies call me Dumbo. It’s because I’ve got junk like an elephant trunk, if you know what I mean.
94) I know a chick that isn’t sure if Godzilla is a dinosaur or big lizard. Why don’t you check in my pants to find out?
95) I overheard your boyfriend describe what it feels like to have testicles slapping his face. Perhaps it’s time for an upgrade?
96) Sure you’re out of my league. But, how about you have a little tune up in the minors tonight?
97) The way I stare at you might be creepy. Take it as a compliment. If you were ugly, I wouldn’t look at all.
98) I’m not from around here. How about you give me a tour of your body?
99) Are you a fan of those Potato Head guys with the interchangeable parts? Let’s see what my lips look like on your body.
100) Hey, you’d make a great stripper!
You forgot my favorite. I am Weinstein let's f*ck.