Life through a different lens

Monday, August 10, 2009

From the Dr. Love Files -2.1

Who says a girl has to walk around topless to get a man's attention?

In round two, the Doctor brings you a more direct approach to dating, relationship issues and love-help guides that will certainly expand your own approach to the ways of love & romance. As always, common sense and good natured, heartfelt truths stretched from the secret encyclopedia of all the great lovers of the world will be put to the test as we explore human behaviors in a quest for everlasting affection.

Dr. Love’s Date Idea Playbook

Surely there are times when you just can’t come up with something that sounds fun to do…You banter back and forth, Him: “What do you want to do?” Her: “I don’t care, what do you feel like?” Him: “I don’t know.” Next you know you’re canceling the whole thing. Well, Dr. Love to the rescue! These date ideas should help settle the argument. Whether the relationship is just getting started or been there-done that, there’s always room for new and some old standby’s that still work. Use what you like and don’t forget to change it up a bit!

Episode 1 (First Dates)

Appropriately as the first installment a focus on the all-important first dates, not the “1st Date,” but the beginning of the dating scene when it might still be awkward and you want comfort and fun.

The Bowling Alley – Clearly the whole idea of throwing a 12 pound ball down a 4 foot lane says fun, fun, fun; who knows what might happen. First, psych her out with disgusting thoughts of who wore those funny clown shoes right before she did. When you program his name up on the big screen for all to see, make it cutesy, maybe “Honey-bunny” or go bold with “King-pin.” Then there’s the all important wager; most strikes, per gutter ball, best pro-bowler stance, high score, you get the idea. I like the $1 bet but you choose wisely.

The Wine Trail - Although I would disagree that wine is the new beer, many states are known to have local wineries that sponsor classic wine trails. If no trail exists, make your own. The idea is similar to the old bar hop but with a hint of sophistication; traveling from one to another with a few tastes along the way. Try something new or stick with your favorite and enjoy the atmosphere, which is unique to each stop. Take a blanket along. With the right cheese and wine picnic, you might just find a new hobby or become an enthusiast. (ADNW promotes the designated driver program).

The Concert – Every week your local paper promotes neighborhood entertainment at area venues where local bands would just kill for an audience. For you MySpace’ers here’s one more use in which most bands post shows on their page with song samples and even directions to the show. Country, Blues, Rock Alternative, or Pop you’ll have a chance to expand you’re listening repertoire and maybe even see the next big thing before American Idol catches them. Break out those old Kiss T’s with a pair of Chuck Taylors and you’re set.

A Night at the Movies – Classic date but why make it normal? Spice it up a bit by finding a drive-in theater. You always get two movies for the price of one and it’s cozier than the regular theaters. You can load up on all your favorite snacks; bring a blanket and a pillow, tune in and ease the seat back. Hint: let him pick the flick and you’ll get bonus points for being easygoing, even though you still might miss most of the movie.

Coffee Klatch – (You might want to read the Acquired Taste section of ADNW before considering this date or at a minimum know your audience). Although Starbucks can’t replace the bar environment, it can provide a good atmosphere for learning more about each other. You could tell stories about others as they enter and leave. You might catch open mic night with some humor from an unknown “jalapeño on a stick” comic, a beatnik poet doing his best Mike Myers So I Married an Axe Murderer rendition, or an indie granola guitar hero wannabe. Grab a Carmel Macchiato and a scone and I bet you end up with a good laugh or someone to make fun of on the way home.

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