Dr. Love’s Date Idea Playbook - Episode 2 (Cheap Dates)
I wouldn’t suggest going cheap on any date but sometimes the funds just aren’t there to spend. So when you’re feeling the money pinch and if appropriate for the current phase of your relationship, these date ideas might help.
Library Stack – Most big cities have a central library system or a college campus “stack” you could use for this date, but if not, a local bookstore might just do the trick. Walk the aisles together, conversing over books you like or those you just plain hate and learn more about each other. Use the Dewey Decimal System (okay log on to the local area network and search if you must) to find authors, subjects, and titles of old favorites that you’d just love to read to one another. You might just check out a copy the Kama Sutra for later use.
Test Drive a Car – Ninety-eight percent of guys grow up with the love of cars. Whether it’s his collection of Hot Wheels, Steve McQueen infatuation, or dad’s old hot rod, it is in his blood. Grab his latest copy of Car & Driver and pick out the latest sports model on everyone’s list. Why not head over to a local car dealership and test drive the most expensive car they’ll let you drive off the lot? You say you have driving skills too? Well, he’ll let you take a turn at the wheel, just don’t side-seat-critique unless you want to pull off the side of the road for a quick look in the back seat.
1st Snow – It’s the only snow of the season that you actually care about so why not make the most of it? “With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal,” your snowman will be the envy of all the neighbors; especially when they see you dancing around the yard with him. Build Fort Snowtown and compete in a snowball fight against each other or the courtyard brats as if it’s the dawn of the ice age. Make some homemade sleds out of trash can lids and sail down the tallest hill in town. When it’s all said and done, cuddle up in front of the fireplace with some hot chocolate. Granted, this only works if you actually live near snow, but you could always pretend; Got Ice?
One Man’s Junk – It’s probably not true because garbage is garbage but it’s possible to find a steal at a local yard sale. Grab the Sunday paper and look for an auction of unique items. Sign up to bid and push the price up just for fun. Find an antique lamp, chair or fixer up and make a project out of restoring the item. Find the ritziest neighborhood garage sale to increase your chances of finding a something outstanding for dirt cheap. Nothing says I love you more than a trip to Sanford & Sons.
Walking Through the Park and Reminiscing – Maybe you still live close enough to where you or your sweetness grew up? Take a trip back in time by going to each others hometown, visiting all the old hangouts and special places that made you who you are today. Take a walk in the local park, holding hands like the innocence of yesterday, and don’t forget the grown up pictures at each attraction for a start at brand new memories.
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