To my glee, one particularly misguided experiment of youth, often on college campuses, is for guys to grow unkempt beards. Santa Claus, gold prospectors from the 1850’s, and Charles Manson can work the unkempt beard. But these baby-faced 19-year old dudes inadvertently look like a bearded lady.

This little tuft of hair below the lip, as a stand-alone facial feature looks like a bullseye. It’s sort of like a sign – PUNCH FACE HERE.

I think it’s great to be an Elvis fan. Go buy yourself a CD, some blue suede shoes and visit Graceland, but don’t sport the Mutton Chops. You’re going to look like a
A) Sweaty Frat guy.
B) Hitler Youth.
C) Guy that plans on never getting laid.
Soul patch pic courtesy -; Mutton chops pic courtesy -
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