Businesses have assorted justifications for work cubicles – brainstorm area, space savings, inexpensive production, social accountability, etc. Physically, the cube is a slightly modified version of an elementary school desk. And this description comfortably fits the hierarchical intent and ensuing behavior. The cube dwellers are the incorrigible third graders, and the neighboring office dwellers are the real adults. Born from the careful observations of a novice cube dweller, this series is an attempt to identify the complex rules of the cubicle jungle. Don’t be alarmed if some rules seem contradictory.

1) If you plan to spend an exorbitant amount of time cruising facebook and youtube, it's a good idea to have an actual work screen available that you can quickly flash to if you think your boss might be approaching.
2) Being especially attentive to approaching footsteps is not necessary. Much like the 5-second rule for food, as long as someone approaching can only see your zany youtube video for 5 seconds or less, it didn't really happen.
3) If other higher level employees (including your bosses superiors) are looking over your shoulder, it is not at all necessary to disguise your lack of productivity. Just keep scrolling through those party pictures from last weekend.
4) When you are actually attempting to have a non-work related conversation, it is preferable to lower your voice to avoid attracting attention to the fact that you're screwing around. No one will really recognize that the constant giggling is not due to something job related.
5) If you have to read a newspaper article while killing time at another person's cubicle, it is best to read it out loud.
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