Welcome to Day 2 of LOL SAM Week. (For a refresher on how we feel about LOL, see the original post “LOL MUST DIE” - 9/3/09. As for SAM (Simile, Analogy, Metaphor), we thought we’d invent an awkward acronym to match.) We had some great participation today and following is today's top 3. It's not too late to get in the game - there are 3 more days. And again, you don’t have to declare which type of literary device you are using. It just needs to be a comparison, preferably amusing. Share your entry via Facebook group or comment on this post.
3) Weinstein - Las Vegas
LOL is like winning first prize at the county fair and then getting kicked in the nuts by a 7 year old girl who then steals your cotton candy.
2) Andrea C - Reno, Nevada
LOL is like wearing your grandmother's underpants and being proud when caught instead of embarassed like you know you should be.
1) Jackie B - North Carolina
LOL is as endearing as a significant other admitting their secret during a taping of the Jerry Springer show titled "I cheated with a cross-dressing prostitute."
Here's the ultra-topical Tuesday contribution from ADNW:

LOL is as smooth as...
a drunken Kanye West desperately hijacking an audience. Any audience.
LOL is as current as raking out your lime green shag carpet while talking on your rotary phone that has a cord long enough to be bungee jumping equipment.