Welcome to day 3 contestants! Again, best of luck and please send daily totals to your regional rep, or post it to the blog via comment. Remember, as always, scoring is based on the honor system.
Day 3 - Nostradamus (or Psychic non sequitur) Wednesday – Earn 5 points for randomly spouting a cryptic phrase that could be interpreted as a psychic declaration. Wide eyes, ominous tone, and dramatic gesticulation must accompany your phrase. (5-point bonus if someone openly questions your sanity.)
Examples: Attend to durable emotions! When the moon spikes, stand aloof! Fly in the face of competition! Don’t drink the ice! Spilt milk is twice removed! Don’t lend pennies to a spiked loon! Stiffen your lip amid lethargy! Revisit old deliveries! Fortune is in the interim!
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